Renaissance Academy Dress Code and Grooming Expecations

  • Appearance: We have high standards concerning our dress code and personal appearance, as this is an important element of instilling confidence and creating a positive learning environment. An attractive uniform and overall appearance will communicate that you care about yourself and will prepare you for the workplace. Failure to comply with the Renaissance Academy dress code may result in disciplinary sanctions. 


    Uniforms: Your uniform consists of appropriate pants, RA polo style shirt, belt, socks, black tennis shoes, name badge and lanyard.  All students must be in full uniform any time they represent the school. You will be expected to be in compliance with the dress code on a daily basis at school, on field trips, on the school bus, open houses, and meetings at the school. All garments should fit properly and be clean, pressed (as applicable) and in good condition (i.e., no holes, fraying, stains, discoloration, etc.).

    • Proper undergarments must be worn by all students. 

    • School name badges and school-issued lanyard must be worn and visible at all times on the outermost garment. 

    • Other miscellaneous pins, buttons, stickers and/or ribbons may not be worn on the uniform or affixed to the name badge or lanyard, except school issued pins. 

    • All shirts must be worn tucked in. 

    • Student’s polo shirts must be worn with at least the bottom button fastened. 

    • Students may wear solid white undershirts (no printing, graphics, or pockets) under all shirts. Undershirt sleeve length should not extend below the bottom edge of the Renaissance Academy shirt sleeve. 

    • A black or brown belt must be worn and must be trimmed so that the end does not hang below the belt line. 

    • Shoes must be solid black athletic shoes with laces or Velcro. Shoes must fit properly with laces tied. Shoes must always be in good shape (clean, no holes, etc.).

    • Students must wear solid black or solid white socks.

    • Renaissance Academy sweatshirts will be available for purchase.  A Renaissance Academy polo shirt must be worn under your sweatshirt. 



    No visible jewelry will be allowed, and no visible piercing retainers will be allowed. 



    Good personal hygiene is expected of students when they report for school. Perfume or cologne is not allowed. 

    • Hair: Hair must be neat and clean. Unnatural hair colors (“crayon colors'') or eccentric styles (e.g., Mohawks, shaven designs, etc.) are not permitted. Weave and/or extensions are permitted. Hair must not be higher than two inches on top of the head. Hair must be in compliance at all times on campus and while riding the bus. Hair must not fall below the collar in the back, must be above the ear on the sides, or must not fall below the eyebrows. Girls with long hair must pull their hair back into a low, tight, mid-line bun (including weave/extensions). Buns cannot be placed on top of the head or off to the side. Students may use black hair ties or black bobby pins only.
    • Facial hair: A neatly trimmed mustache and facial hair is acceptable. 
    • Eyebrows: Students are not allowed to have notched eyebrows. 
    • Makeup: Must be subdued and worn in good taste so as not to be distracting to teachers or fellow students. No false eyelashes will be allowed. 
    • Nails: Natural nails must not be past the ends of the fingertip. Students are not allowed to have false nails. No fingernail polish of any color is allowed.


    Dress code/grooming violations will result in a referral to the director or his designee. 


    Uniform Items:

    School Supplies: 3-ring binder, lined paper, number 2 pencil. Students are not allowed to bring pocket dividers, sheet protectors, pen pouches, pens, mechanical pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, erasers, or hand sharpeners.

    Shirts: Polo-style shirts purchased through Renaissance Academy; students are required to purchase at least 2 shirts at the time of enrollment.  

    Pants: Black, tan/khaki, or navy dress pants are acceptable. Pants must have a zipper, button, and belt loops. Pants are not allowed to be form fitting. No leggings will be allowed. Students are not permitted to wear jeans/denim or casual pants that look like jeans. 

    Shorts: Black, tan/khaki or navy shorts that come to the top of the knee are acceptable. Shorts must have a zipper, button, and belt loops. Females can also wear Capri pants. Capri pants must have a zipper, button, and belt loops (no jeans/denim).

    Belt:  A black or brown belt must be worn and must be trimmed so that the end does not hang below the belt line. A standard belt buckle is required. 

    Shoes: Solid black athletic shoes are required. Shoes must not have holes, the soles must be intact, with laces always tied or Velcro closed tightly.

    Socks: White or black only