

    Renaissance Academy views the use of the Chromebooks as supplemental to the delivery of its educational program and expects that all students will use these devices as an essential part of their learning experiences. It is the policy of Renaissance Academy to maintain an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all electronic resource activities. With this privilege and extraordinary opportunity to explore technological devices come responsibilities for the parent and for the student. 

    When signing the Student/Parent Responsible Use Agreement, you are acknowledging that you understand and accept the information in this document.

    Students’ Unacceptable Use of Technology Resources

    Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

    • Using the network for illegal activities, including copyright, license, or contract violation Unauthorized downloading or installation of any software, including shareware and freeware. 
    • Using the network for financial or commercial gain, advertising, political lobbying, or illegal activities. 
    • Accessing or exploring online locations or materials that do not support the curriculum and/or are inappropriate for school assignments. 
    • Vandalizing and/or tampering with equipment, programs, files, software, network performance or other components of the network; use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited. 
    • Gaining unauthorized access anywhere on the network. 
    • Revealing the home address or phone number of one’s self or another person. Invading the privacy of other individuals. 
    • Using another user’s account or password or allowing another user to access your account or password. 
    • Coaching, helping, observing or joining any unauthorized activity on the network. 
    • Posting anonymous messages or unlawful information on the network. 
    • Participating in cyber-bullying or using objectionable language in public or private messages. E.g., racist, terroristic, abusive, sexually explicit, threatening, stalking, demeaning, or slanderous. 
    • Falsifying permission, authorization, or identification documents. 
    • Obtaining copies of, or modifying files, data or passwords belonging to other users on the network. 
    • Knowingly placing a computer virus on a computer or other electronic device and/or network. 
    • Attempting to access or accessing sites blocked by the school’s filtering program. 
    • Downloading music, games, images, videos, or other media without permission of the teacher. Sending or forwarding social or non-school related email. 
    • Altering any default setting on the Chromebooks.